On December 7, Moonah will officially enter its soft launch phase, marking the start of offering personalized menopause care through our telehealth platform. This phase is designed to introduce the platform, test our systems, and ensure everything is operating smoothly before the full-scale launch.
Goals of the Soft Launch:
1. Test Operational Systems:
•Ensure that all systems, including patient onboarding, consultation processes, and follow-ups, are running efficiently.
•Confirm that providers are able to manage patient consultations without any issues and that workflows are smooth.
2. Provider Readiness:
•Confirm that all providers who are ready and compliant begin offering consultations to patients.
•Identify any gaps or issues that need to be addressed before the full launch.
3. Patient Experience:
•Monitor patient feedback during this phase to understand how well the platform supports their needs.
•Address any issues that arise to improve the patient experience.
4. Evaluate Workflow and Adjustments:
•Ensure all administrative tasks and operational processes are functioning as expected.
•Make any necessary adjustments based on feedback from both providers and patients to improve efficiency.
Key Elements of the Soft Launch:
•Providers Onboarded: Confirm which doctors and nurse practitioners are ready to start consultations and address any final onboarding steps for those who are pending.
•Patient Care Delivery: Providers will start seeing patients, offering personalized menopause care and tracking treatments through the platform. This is the opportunity to refine workflows based on real-time feedback.
•Feedback Loop: Establish a clear system for gathering feedback from both patients and providers to ensure any technical or operational issues are resolved before the full-scale launch.
•Next Steps: After the soft launch, the goal will be to ramp up operations, onboard more providers, and prepare for Moonah’s full-scale launch.
The soft launch will help solidify Moonah’s operations, ensuring a seamless experience for both providers and patients as we move closer to the full-scale launch.